The notary office is located in the Central Administrative District of the city of Moscow on Degtyarny Lane, house 15, […]
Notary Gorbatenko Nikolay Vladimirovich reviews
Meanwhile, you can directly contact our notary, located in the area of Ostozhenka and Prechistenka streets, saving your time and […]
Notarium Fayzulina Dilyara Shamilievna reviews
Notaries perform the following notarial actions: Contacts:+7(919) 962-02-02http://notarius-di.ruMoscow, Pyatnitsky Lane house 3, building 3
Notary Nechaeva Svetlana Vasilievna reviews
Notary of the city of Moscow Svetlana Vasilievna Nechaeva, author of many scientific works in the field of civil law. […]
Notary Platonova Ksenia Vladimirovna reviews
Services:For individualsThe practice of new notarial actions was discussed at MGNPWhat documents are needed for a minor to travel abroad?Do […]
Notary Chernigov Igor Olegovich reviews
Notary of Moscow Chernigov Igor Olegovich carries out his activities on the basis of License for the right of notarial […]
Notary Rudenko Andrey Yurievich reviews
Services:Legal entitiesReal estate (Real estate purchase and sale agreements, electronic transfer of documents for registration, real estate donation agreements, settlements […]
Notary German Krasnov reviews
Here is a list of the main services that you can receive by contacting German Krasnov: (495) 921‒16‒35Moscow, Yauzskaya, […]
Notary Yakubova Tatyana Olegovna reviews
In the notary system since 2013. In June 2015, the Qualification exam was successfully passed. From that time on, she […]
Notary Lexakova Ekaterina Olegovna reviews
In the notary system since 1995, license for the right to perform notarial acts dated 04/03/1996. The notary participates as […]